Nintendo Love Affair is a labor of love. It is a platform for Nintendo fans, by Nintendo fans. We revel in the joy that Nintendo brings. We share memories and experiences, reviews and opinions. Nintendo Love Affair and its readers are a community that have all picked up that controller for the first time and became enthralled in magical worlds. Whether young or old, we are all Nintendo kids!
Mark Ball (Founder, Editor) is a teacher, writer, and explorer. He spends his free time making life a game and has loved Nintendo since he opened up the SNES in 1992. Follow him on Twitter and Instagram to keep up on all of his shenanigans.
Adam Brooks (Pictures and Tunes) is your average narcissist who loves creating a variety of things for the sole purpose of letting the world see his awesomeness. He is married to a lovely and tolerant woman, from whom his three awesome kids were birthed. You can subscribe to Adam's podcast Guerrilla Bio on iTunes and, and you can follow him on Twitter and Instagram @AdamABrooks.
Matt Hauenstein is first and foremost an unabashed geek, long before the hipsters took that from us. He sees himself as someone that can comment on anything whether that be “The Golden Age of TV” or Kanye West’s fashion sense. He grew up with Nintendo, specifically the SNES & Super Mario World, and is still enamored with its charms. Matt has recently lost his way and converted to the Evil Xbox. He hopes that working with this wonderful website will rekindle his Nintendo Love Affair. Reach him on twitter @RustyShackl4rd, (yes, that is a reference for all of you Hill Heads out there).